Friday, July 24, 2009

cafe style.

Teaser! This song is going to be on the new album. For now, you can just listen to it here, with your eyes closed. It's totally the exact same thing. Shout outs to the following fom last night: Brittany for inviting me to play, Angela for sharing her time slot with me, Liz Rhodes for the CD, it's great, and all of my closest friends for coming to show their support, which was completely undeserved. Ya'll are the best. Ever. Oh, also, to the young gentleman who shares distinct physical characteristics with Brad Pitt, thanks for the Coke. I was in need. Seriously.

I managed to give away a few more CDs, I hope you all enjoy them! Feel free to burn them and copy them, and give them to others.

There is a show currently in the works with In Dreaming, formerly The Highwire Act. Keep your eyes and ears open for more details. It could quite very possibly be my last performance in this bless-ed state. Although, rumor is, I may be back in December for a short while. Exciting, no? I thought so.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to hear you LIVE here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! Miss you, love you! ~ mom