Monday, July 13, 2009

out of gas.

"Ain't no way to keep a band together. Bands come and go. You got to keep on playin', no matter with who."

-Dell Paxton, That Thing You Do

Hello there friends and lovers, I have some news. It's been a rough week and a half or so, by the way. Out with the bad first. I am no longer a member of the best band to have ever rocked out of Provo, UT. Those of you who know what happened are the only ones that need to know what happened, and that's ok. No one is on bad terms with anyone, and I think that's what is really important. So, Burning Olympus was my first actual band. Well, there was Forgotten News in the tenth grade, but we had one gig at a high school drama awards ceremony. Dunno if that counts or not.

Burning Olympus was literally my life these past few months, and I consider them the best first band a girl could have asked for. Thanks dudes.

Also, on a lighter, more harmonious note, we finished recording the two songs that we are putting on our demo, "Wipe That Mud" and "Going Nowhere." I haven't heard the final product but I know we are all extremely excited about how this will turn out. There are rumors of Al moving to Portland this fall, and I am going to be selfish here and say that I wouldn't mind that at all. He's been a great engineer.

There will be future posts about B.O., but for now, my time with the band has come to a quiet close.

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